Saturday, May 16, 2009

Suits: 1.

“Is it dead?” I asked. The anwser was the discharge of a railgun, and the things head exploding. Faceless turned to me, “Yes.” before continuing down the tunnel. Brute chuckled, following our leader. I shrugged and followed them, making my way over the ceiling. The three of us were investigating a report about an out of control mutant in a part of the sewers.
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against those who choose biological change over augmentation, but sometimes these people forget they are human. Obviously, this happened to the augmented as well, but at least they usually decided they wanted to be integrated into something useful, like a factory or even a tank. No matter, it gave us a job.
“Claws, opening ahead.” With a thought, I acknowledged. That was my job, surveilance, and if we found something hostile, I could easily kill it without anything else noticing. I crept across the ceiling, and over the lip into the cavern. As I reached the top of the cavern, I released my hands from the ceiling, hanging from my feet.
Each of us had their own, specialised suit. Faceless had his (or hers, we weren’t sure) standard, without identification marks. Or any kind of mark. What set it apart was that his left arm had no hand, but was a railgun from the elbow down. I wondered how much of it was still human. Brute was, as his name implies, brutish. A massive suit of armor, lots of power in there. Lots of weapons, too. Mine was designed to be elegant. Claws on both hands and feet, giving me great mobility. All I had for weapons were shock-prods on my wrists, and obviously my claws.
“Nothing here, there are tracks though.” I dropped from the ceiling, landing on all fours. Walking on claws is hard. Brute entered, followed by Faceless. Something stirred in the darkness, and heavy footsteps came our way. Brute put himself between us and it. “Looks like you were wrong, darling.” I knew he was grinning in his suit, he loved this part. Then we saw it, and even Brute took a step back.
These days, being altered was easy. All you needed was money, and if you had none, there were other ways. The army was a good one, since they always needed more soldiers, be they augmented or mutants. After a few years of service, upon your discharge, you could get an alteration again, making you more suitable for civilian life. Of course, those with extreme alterations usually didn’t leave, it’s hard being a civilian when you’ve been a predator for years. And of course there were those like us, who took on the special missions.
It was a spawner. Mutants so far gone, their offspring wasn’t even human. “It’s a female sir, not all gone. The spawn are though, so it’s mate has lost it.” Faceless nodded, “Kill the spawn, but keep the female for interrogation. Brute, do not engage, wait for the mate.”


Sci-Fi, to break up the fantasy.
A little background is perhaps in order.

Humanity now consists of the normals, and the altered. The altered are again divided between the mutants and the augmented. Augmented are mechanically enhanced humans, while mutants are, as their name implies, mutated nearly beyond humanity.

Sorry if this sounds bad or anything, but I would like to ask anyone who has read this to leave a comment. I want to know who, if anyone, reads my stories.


  1. Why would that sound bad? Getting feedback is really important.

    Well anyway, you know i'm a loyal fan xD Keep on the good writing wouldnt really work here.. I know you will =p

    X. Ro

  2. I'm not sure what to say, but, hey, comment ^^

    Oh and I've enjoyed reading this and blah blah, but I always do, so what's the point in saying that again.

    Please become a writer.
    I mean...
