Monday, May 18, 2009

A Gift from Dead Gods, 6.

There seemed to be no way out of this hellhole of a cave system. Nathaniel hadn’t found any traces of human life either. He remembered blacking out, but nothing else. They’d changed him.. Finally, he saw some light filtering in through a waterfall. He’d found an exit.
Edging along the small path was a lot harder now, his large limbs still new. Suddenly, the path ended, and he looked down. It was a long drop, but going back into those caves didn’t appeal to him either. He closed his eyes and focused his mind, a slowfall charm was all he needed. He jumped and knew something was wrong. No slowfall charm. Well, he thought, time to see how much this body can take.
It was a long drop. Hitting the water barely hurt, a fact for which he was thankful. Whatever they had done to him, he wouldn’t have survived without it. At least, he wouldn’t have survived without the slowfall charm. As he clambered up onto the shore, he wondered why it hadn’t worked. He tried channelling fire through his hands, the same spell he had used to break into the museum. Nothing.
He had tried every spell he had once been taught. None of them worked. With every spell that failed, his frustration and his anger grew. Finally, he roared towards the heavens, and slammed his fist into a tree, which broke in two. His anger still not spent, he grabbed the fallen tree and swung it in a wide arc, hurling it across the lake.
This caused him to pause for a moment. He looked at his arms, and slowly started grinning. Although he was still angry about losing his magic, this strength was beyond what he had been capable of before, even if he used his spells. He examined his new body. The first thing that stood out was that his skin had turned into a dark grey. His arms had grown huge, as had the rest of him. His legs had turned into the legs of an animal, as he now walked on his toes. He decided to test how fast he could run.
After a few hours, he reached the edge of a small town he recognised as Adnar, 4 days from Rasnach. That meant that waterfall had to be the falls of spring. When he had calculated how fast he had run, he sat down. Nearly twice as fast, he mused. He resolved to find the people who had done this to him. First, he would thank them. Then he’d rip off their heads. All he had to go by was the dryad though, and that meant the Artok forests.

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