Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random short stories.

All she wanted to do was dance. Dance on her toes. Twirling around on the roof, not seeing where she goes. Her blindfold blocks out the world. She never falls down, something greater guides her steps as she moves across the roof.
Tired. She is so tired, but she never stops. The dance goes on, and on. Never stopping, not for a moment, she dances here. Is she waiting for something, or someone? No one knows. All that is known, is that she is always there, dancing on that roof, blindfold always on.


He remembered what it was like, in the old days. People were everywhere back then. He smiled as he stared across the quiet landscape, thinking about the ones who had filled his life with joy, back then. Now, the world was silent.
How it had happened, he never knew. All he knew was that in all this time, he hadn’t met anyone besides himself. They were all dead. Sometimes he longed for a goal, a purpose. No such illusions surrounded him anymore.
There he stood, alone. The wind carried the scents of a patch of beautiful flowers. They brought him happiness, these days.


Never never never. He said it again and again. Never never never would they catch him. He couldn’t let them. Never never never would they learn what he had learned. What they could do with the knowledge, if they got their hands on it. Never never never would he allow that to happen.
He couldn’t die, that would just make it easier for them. Never never never die. He shook his head in frustration, why couldn’t they just let him go? Never never never give up, he reminded himself.


These were some things I wrote up. What do you think?


  1. I love 'em. <3

    And um, just to reassure me,
    please tell me the last one is a work of fiction? o_O

  2. Yes, it's a work of fiction.

    The first two are about things we desire.. And the last one is just an idea that had been floating around my head for a while.

    I think it came out alright.
