Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Gift from Dead Gods, 7.

Luno and Fyanha left the city quietly. Although the priest had cheered them on, the common folk of the city parted silently, frightened. The guards at the city gate saluted Luno, and bowed slightly for Fyanha. At first they walked in silence, until Fyanha had had enough. “So.. Tell me, oh great champion, what do you know of the dryads?” Luno shrugged, a gesture which looked awkward in the huge suit of armor. “Not much.”, he admitted. “Do you?”
Fyanha smiled. “As an elf, I was raised alongside a few. The elvish race is very attuned to nature.” She started grinning. “I don’t like them much.” Luno chuckled, “I bet they don’t like you that much either.” Nodding, Fyanha replied. “Not really. Burned down a few trees, set fire to some elders. That sort of thing.” Luno laughed at this. “I’m beginning to like you. Tell me about the dryads.”
“Where to begin..” Fyanha began. “Well, a dryad will never kill a living being. Nature must take its course, that sort of thing.” She shook her head, “Don’t think they are merciful though. I’ve seen what happens to those who cross the dryads. Eternal life may sound appealing, but eternal life being part of a sentient tree, unable to move, talk.. No, thanks.”
Luno shook his head, “That doesn’t sound right to me. No killing, that must be why the Lord wants them dead.” Fyanha nodded, “That is one of the reasons. As the god of murder, it is his purpose to desire the death of every living thing. Any other goals he might have, none of us mortals know.”
Taking off his helmet again, Luno looked at her. “Tell me about yourself. Why are you here? And how come you didn’t burned when you pulled that little trick earlier?” Fyanha laughed. “You’re quite direct, champion. Therefor you shall get a direct anwser. My mother was a fire demon shapeshifted into an elf. I am an elf, yet my essence is that of a demon.” She grinned, “That’s why I’m immune to fire. As for these clothes..”, she indicated her dress, “they’re enchanted.”
They walked on for another few uneventful hours. As the sun was setting, they walked past a ruined shrine, once a temple for the traveler god. Someone called from behind it, “You made a mistake traveling without guards! Leave all your possessions behind, and you can go on in peace!” Fyanha raised an eyebrow and smiled, Luno drew his swords. They stopped. The man came into view, as did seven others. “Alright, your mistake! Now we’ll kill you and-“ He stopped mid-sentence as he saw who he had threatened.
He hesitated, as did his friends who took a step back. It wasn’t everyday you tried to rob someone who looked like the god of murder. “Err, as I was saying..” He stumbled slightly. Fyanha didn’t give him a chance to go on, smiling sweetly at him. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. She gave a small hand signal to Luno, indicating he should get the ones to their left. Luno nodded. Creating a fireball in her left hand, she extended her right arm towards the would-be robber. “Now, don’t be afraid.” She took a step forwards. “This will only hurt for a moment.”
Caressing his face with her hand, she continued to smile. The robber tried to speak, but couldn’t find the words. He opened, then closed his mouth again. Fyanha grinned, and shoved the fireball into his face. This was Luno’s cue, and he charged shoulder-first into the closest of their assailants. He heard bones snap. Deflecting a desperate swing from an axe with his longsword, he cut of the mans head with single stroke of the shortsword.
He turned his head towards the two men who stood before him. They stared at him, looked at eachother. He could see the terror in their eyes. Wisely, they turned and ran, leaving their weapons. Luno turned just in time to see an orc swing a heavy warhammer in his direction. Unable to avoid the blow, it smashed into his side. His armor dented, and he felt pain. Nothing a little magic wouldn’t fix, he thought. He retaliated by impaling the orc on his swords. As the orc slid off his blades, he looked around. He smiled. Fyanha was poking at one of the burnt corpses at her feet. She turned towards him. “I hope the dryads are more fun..”


Lots of dialogue, and some action. First time I actually wrote a fight scene, I think. So I guess you should all just tell me what you thought of it.

Also, Fyanha is really.. 'Nice', isn't she?

1 comment:

  1. Ik vind t best geod geschreven, en als ik het niet vergeet, zal ik het zeker bijgaan houden.
