Sunday, August 7, 2011

Birthday party haikus

Wrote a haiku for every guest at this lovely party, and for the cat.
Additionally, two more randoms.

Pink flower blossoms
Brightly shining wonder that
Blesses this world now

Split down the middle
My dear not really sister
Follows her own path

A friend of a friend
Another creative force
Neon green drawing

Silly goth poet
So fucked up and thus writing
Haiku, goes the flow

Very vain cyber
Still a dear friend, no matter
The weird shit he does

My fellow geek goth
Shared interest, conversation
That game we both play

The focused genius
Fully absorbed into his work
Creating greatness

She who opens doors
My dearest friend and idol
Words are not enough

Twin points dot the nose
Tall and beautiful and proud
Brushed straight raven hair

The cutest kitten
Such wonderful fluffiness
One can’t help but ‘aww..’


Drifting through stranger places
A new world to find

Chaos imminent
Discord spreading like wildfire
It is time to fight

//Note: I really like Haikus. Seriously.

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