Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Gift from Dead Gods, 16.

Nera was sitting on one of Nathaniels broad shoulders. The usually silent giant of a man answered the questions she had in a soft, quiet voice that seemed out of place from his enormous frame. She had been looking around quietly for the past few minutes. A few words from the conversation Luno and Fyanha were having caught her attention.
“So the undersuit is attachted to your skin?” Fyanha was asking. Luno nodded. “I put on the undersuit that first day. Since then it’s been growing.” He rapped his knuckles on his breastplate. “It’s a nice enough armor, I just wish I could take it off. At least I don’t have to bathe.” He grinned at that. He looked at Nera. “You and your big friend still sure about this?” “Of course they’re sure, Champion.” Fyanha had raised an eyebrow. “They have been summoned by a God.”
The sun was going down in the west and painted the sky a deep red. Two guards stood at the city gate and saluted Luno as they passed. Luno nodded in reply as he led his companions through the massive stone structure. Nera marvelled at what she saw. Her little mouth hung slightly open, her eyes were wide.
It was all so big. The buildings, the streets, all those people. Nera couldn’t close her eyes even if she had wanted to. She saw so many things she never could have imagined. The groups of people she saw moving around, going about their daily lives. Occasionally, she asked questions which Fyanha or Luno answered. The giant she had met in the dryads prison was silent, his gaze wandering around. Nera liked the big man and wanted him to be happy. He wasn’t though, so she would have to think of something.
The four of them were walking through one of Rasnachs main roads. The road itself was relatively free of people, just a few civilians going from shop to shop buying their groceries and some luxury products. Then, from an alley a short distance ahead of them, a young man ran out onto the street. He froze when he saw them. On one side, four pairs of curious eyes regarded the youngster. On his side, terrified eyes saw giants and sorceresses and someone dressed like a God. He fled, running as fast as he could, fear giving him a boost.
Nathaniel looked at Luno pensively. Then he sighed. “I guess I should.” Luno looked at him, his gaze questioning. Nathaniel smiled. “I need your permission to chase him, Champion.” He stressed the last word. Luno coughed. “Sure, sure. Will we see you at the temple later?” Nathaniel nodded. Then he gently lifted Nera off his shoulder and put her down. They exchanged a long look, then the giant stretched until the bones in his back, arms and legs popped. He ran off, faster than the young assassin could ever hope to run. “Showoff.” muttered Luno under his breath.


Kazorat stomped through the streets of the capital of Garalla, named Garal by some unimaginative fool long ago. A man, or dragon in his case, of his stature didn’t walk. He towered head and shoulders above any man he met. His bulky form was made even larger by the archaic armor he wore, a mix of plates and chainmail, easier to discard in a hurry. His axe was in its sling on his back, his shield back at the palace. The people here almost revered him.
Still, he grumbled, he wasn’t in complete control. That damned prince meddled in most things and then there was that witch, Tinza. It was her he was going to see now. She lived in an opulent mansion on the outskirts of town. While most respected her council and her powers, she wasn’t trusted. Suffer not the witch to live among you indeed.


Ilane danced in the shadows. They gave her sanctuary, welcomed her as a friend. The shadows were all the friends she would ever have. Not that she needed more. Her sister cared about her and she cared about her sister. But even then they were too different to truly be friends. Ilane was becoming a shade. A creature of shadows, a dancer in the darkness. A blade between the ribs of life. Yet still life. Her sister on the other hand was becoming something else. Undeath. The very thought of it made her shiver.
The shadows hugged her, held her tight. Took away her worries. Took away the feelings. She had things to do. The young one had been led to where he was supposed to be. The Giant had chased him. He’d even realised he needed permission to do so in a remarkably short time. Ilane reminded herself that while the man was huge, he was still the man he had been inside. A master thief trapped in the body of a war machine. She didn’t envy him.
Now other tasks presented themselves. She could feel her God near. In the temple here, on the surface, his presence was softened, lessened. Underneath her, in the sprawling undercity, she could feel his essence like a pulsating beacon. The waves of power emanating from below told her what she needed to know. She was needed across the sea. The dragons were stirring, making their opening moves. And who better to watch than a shadow?
The shadows held her closer and closer. She felt herself melting away. The more she travelled like this, the more of her human body stayed behind. More shadow filled her being. She smiled as her awareness slipped from the world man knew as reality and into the shadow world, where flesh was nothing but a burden. She would cross the vast distance in a few minutes.
In her tower in the temple, Irune felt a sudden cold. Her sister had left this world again. The crystal before her hummed softly, calling her attention back to it. She raised her hands again, touching their glow to the gem. Her eyes closed and the magic flowed.


  1. Nera's growing on me. ^^
    And, is Ilane going to be alright..?

  2. Nera <3 You really made her, well, cute.

    And beautifully described, the shadow vs reality part. Your style is growing on you x] It feels slightly more natural.. Yey for inspiration ^^

