Thursday, April 2, 2009

A gift from dead gods, 2.

The morning had gone, and the sun was up in the sky, sending its heat and light down on everyone. Luno adjusted the pack on his back, sweating in his clothes. After 3 days of walking across the land, he’d finally reached his destination, the great city of Rasnach. It was nothing like his home town of Rorr. He smiled, things had to be better here.
He thought back to the beggar he had given some coins this morning, thinking how something about the mans eyes had told him he wasn’t a beggar. But then again, it was none of his business. As he looked about, he noticed a certain panic in everyones eyes. He stopped a man, asking, “Sir, what is going on?” The man blinked and stared at him in disbelief. “You don’t know? Someone destroyed the museum! Everything, gone!” Luno nodded, “Hm, why would anyone do that?” The man shrugged, “They think it was a political thing, so..” He shrugged. Luno thanked him and the man walked away.
Well, seems like this place was definitely different then Rorr. He smiled, and headed deeper into the city, looking for a place to stay. That was the first thing he needed to do, find a cheap place to stay. Then, time to look for money. There had to be some way to make money fast, in a place like this.
It wasn’t long until he found the busy marketplace. He started asking around, and eventually found a place. He looked at the house, it wasn’t big or beautiful, but it’d do. He knocked on the door. After a while, an old man opened the door. He smiled at Luno, “And what brings a young lad like you to my humble home, today?” Luno smiled back, “I’m looking for a cheap place to stay, and I heard you have a room free.” The man waved for him to come in, “Yes, yes, yes! I have a spare room. And I could use the company. Come in, come in! Do you want some tea? We’ll discuss this, over tea!”
A couple of hours later Luno walked back out. His bags were in the spare room, his room now. The man had talked and talked, but at least he was friendly. The room was cheap, that was a good thing too. Slowly, he made his way back to the marketplace, which was getting quiet. He approached one of the merchants.
He studied the man for a moment. He was short for an elf, but he had the same slender build as most of his kind. “Greetings, Sir. I’m new in town, and.. Well, I need money.” The elf turned and nodded, “Eh, not much to do around here. They’re looking for people near the temple though.” Luno nodded, thanked the man and went on his way to find the temple.


In the woods near the city, a beggar was cursing loudly. Nathaniel cursed the guard for interfering, cursed himself for not saving more power and cursed the trees because he felt like it. He shook his head, then appologised to the trees. As he neared the tree he sought, he started smiling. Soon, he’d have comfortable clothes again, and a nice hidden place to rest.
With the sword still in his bag, and a good nights rest ahead of him, things were looking good.

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