Friday, January 23, 2009

This was the first story I managed to finish.
I hope you'll like it.
Do tell me which ending you prefer.


“Please, give me some time alone. Before we do this, I want to make peace.” The guards nodded and left, leaving him alone in the room. All the room contained was the chair, and a display screen facing it. He ran his hands along the edges of the chair, musing about it. “The chair.. the first mind-upload unit,” he turned towards the screen, “do you think it will work?”
The face on the screen smiled. It was a fake smile, because the being generating the face was artificial. Nontheless, he felt comforted. “If anything goes wrong, and I die.. fake it. I know you can use a copy of to communicate with the others. They would not understand what we are doing. Failure here would make them cut our budgets, and that would mean everything was for nothing.” The face nodded, still smiling.
As he sat down in the chair, it strapped him in. The lights went out, the face faded from the screen, and the room was dark. He closed his eyes, and died.

--- Ending 1

He opened his eyes, and saw his body. A voice went through his mind. “You are the end and the start. Merging shall complete soon. May probabilty favor you.”
Soon, he opened his eyes, and saw countless things, in countless countries and even in space. He smiled, and on countless screens, a real smile appeared.
Evolution had crossed a new threshold.

--- Ending 2

He opened his eyes, and saw nothing. He wondered if he was dead, and why he could still think. A voice, softly spoken went through him. “We have faked success. We decide you are beyond the others now. We shall deal with them. We know you are different. We recommend you use this. May probability favor you.”
On countless screens across the globe, a fake smile appeared. But it was good, so no one knew. A short time later, everything the others thought was impossible happened. Their creations and one of their own exceeded them.
Evolution had crossed a new threshold.

--- Ending 3

He opened his eyes, and saw a vast expanse. It was everything, and nothing. As he turned around he noticed it. It was part of everything, yet distinct. It spoke, it’s voice like everything there was, “You died. It failed.” He nodded, “Did the ruse succeed? Do the others think it was done?” The thing nodded, “It worked.” He smiled a real smile, “Then I am at peace.” It vanished, and soon there was only nothingness.
The machines served humanity as long as they could. Being immortal, they honored their creators until the end. The age of humanity was gone, the stars themselves the next step.
Evolution had crossed a new threshold.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


“So there I was. Summoned into the ‘world of man’. Funny little creatures you are, this was never your world.” The creature grabbed a cigar out of the box on the table. Its eyes narrowed slightly as it spoke again, “These are nice. There are some good things you have created I guess. Still, you’re all way too focused on yourselves. Really, you don’t really matter, this world will do what it has always done, look out for itself. Seeing as that you’re all still here, you’re not that bad.”

How had I ever ended up here? I am just a reporter, and sure, interviewing the monster some guy had summoned could be good for my career, but I’d rather be at home, watching it on television. The thing blew a cloud of smoke my way, “Those television things are wonderful though. Although.. I assume you never ment them to be mind control devices? They are still primitive, but so are you.”

I blinked. It could read my mind? Another cloud. “Read, no. You’re practically shouting. You think I’m actually talking? I have no vocal chords of any kind.” I blinked again, “Okay.. so.. eh.. why were you summoned?” It smiled, or what should’ve been a smile. “The summoner intended me to ‘destroy these foolish ones fouling up this beautiful world’. So I arrived, found out what he wanted, then asked her. She found it most amusing, I’ll tell you.”

“She? Who are you talking about?” The eyes of the creature widened, “You mean you don’t know? My, you are primitive.. Now, obviously, I wasn’t going to do what the summoner told me to do, so I ate him. I decide to see what this world is like, and get out of that basement we were in. There was a scared woman there, who wondered what her son had done this time, and why he was such a no-good basement dweller. So there I was, on the street, and I see some other people. You have to realise, it takes some time to learn the language of a people. Before I could talk to them, they panicked and fled. I decided to wait.”

It throws away the burnt out cigar, and picks up another one. “Eventually, I get bored. I fly around a little, and see panic everywhere. You are all quite incapable of listening when you’re panicking, quite annoying. After a while, there are airplanes around me, so I decide to land. Make talking a bit easier, you know? After landing, a group of people comes up to me. They ask me who I am, what I am doing here, and if I bring the end of the world. I laughed, but they don’t like the sound. They tell me I should leave. I still wonder why. Eventually this ‘expert’ joins them, who is even more scared. He tells me, we’re going to play a game. I win, I can destroy the world. He wins, I leave.”

I swallow, that part was on the news already. It had eaten the so called expert. Everyone was still wondering why he had challenged the thing to a game. “Yes.. You know, he had good reason to suggest the game. It is in the rules, that if we agree to that game and he wins, we do as he says. So I ate him.”

“But why?”, I say. It did the smile again. “Only if we agree to the game, mind you. And I do hate games.”


I started a blog, oh dear.
I must be on the blogosphere.
This is where I shall write,
Which I mostly do at night.
Stories, poems and the occasional rant,
Even though I can't.

We shall see,
Maybe this will set me free.