Friday, January 22, 2010


Age of Life.
Dawn breaks on the world.
Creatures rise from the seas.
Born into a fresh and empty world.
Theirs for the taking.
Things grow and evolve.
Changing their shapes and sizes.
Eventually humanity evolves.
The world bows before them.

Age of Honor.
Man has rules and laws.
To break them is to break away.
Control and deceit are laws.
Yet this is hidden.
One shall face one.
On equal ground.
All shall face One.
Behind the curtain plots spin.

Age of Profit.
None but the rich truly matter.
Money is a cruel god.
The only desire is for matter.
Foolish and unwise.
None of the lies are hidden.
They are in plain sight.
And there is no place better to hide them.
The world keeps on turning.

Age of Endless Conquest.
Greed and desire reign supreme.
All must bow before us.
We shall reign supreme.
We must.
Selfishness shared by an entire species.
Concern for others is futily.
Everything is below our species.
We are fools.

Age of Devotion.
To all things comes an end.
This ending will be good.
I do not hope for any other end.
We might yet learn from our mistakes.
Selflessness and universal love.
Perhaps a foolish hope.
Dreams are important.
This is hope.
This is the future.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Blue light.
Bright and searing.
Pain pain pain pain.
It is done.

Did I fall asleep?
For a little while.
Shall I go now?
If you like.

Peace and quiet.
Swim thirty laps.
Climb the rock wall.
Would you like a treatment?

Blue light.
Bright and searing.
Pain pain pain pain.
It is done.

Run jump swim dance fight.
Do what needs to be done.
Be a different you.

Be the hero of the story.
Fall in love.
Save the day.
Would you like a treatment?

Blue light.
Bright and searing.
Pain pain pain pain.
It is done.

Did I fall asleep?
For a little while.
Shall I go now?
If you like.

Peace and quiet.
Swim thirty laps.
Climb the rock wall.
I’m not broken.


Dollhouse. <3

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Gift from Dead Gods, 15.

Sunset was spreading its fire across the sky. At the top of her tower in the temple complex Irune stood looking out over the great city. It was a strange thing to turn into a lich gradually. Most mages went through a ritual that turned them in an hour, a painful and shocking process. Lured by the powers of undeath these fools gave up everything. Their bodies, their minds and their essence. They became the horrors they had feared as children.
She sighed. Her fate was both kinder and worse, a balance between the two. Her body was falling away from her, the bones held tight by the force of her mind and essence. Her senses were changing, shifting away from the physical. This made her aware that the Champion had returned with three others. She sensed the Demon and the Giant and the Lifestealer. The Shadow, her sister, was following and watching. Evaluating.
Irune drew her wandering mind back in. It was happening more and more, this detachment from her normal way of life. If normal had applied in any way in her life, that was. She turned and went back to her studies. Her desk was cluttered with her things. Books lay everywhere, some opened, some with bookmarks in them. A set of crystals, a rack of knives and a small box. The high priestess laid her skeletal hand on the box and sighed, then focused on her studies.


This room was cold. Kazoran looked around at the assembled humans, noting their short stature. They had grown slightly since he had last seen members of their species but not much. He turned his head to regard their leader, their prince. Ragul, taller than the others, still nothing compared to him. “I am the dragon. The lady Tinza has told me of your plight and I shall aid you in this.”
He did not tell them that they mattered little to him. Kazoran was a pureblood dragon, a shapeshifter and a warrior. While his natural form gave him more freedom this form, this human-like form, gave him the chance to use his axe. And now his axe would unite this little kingdom. Rally them and throw them against the festering wound on the world that was the city of Rasnach.


The great streets of Rasnach were policed by the guards of the priesthood. They were generally clean, safe and calm. The further you went away from the main roads though, the city was a wild chaos of life and death. There were some mostly safe districts, near the temple but even there crime was usually going on nearby. It was in one such district that Tophar was running for his life.
He cursed under his breath as he turned around another corner. He could hear the two guards behind him. This was supposed to be his greatest day, the day he graduated from the academy. Instead he was now running for his life. If he had only.. That trail of thoughts would lead him nowhere so he cut if off. The nearest tunnel was fifteen minutes away and on the other side of a main road. Surely there would be more guards but right now, Tophar did not care.
As he turned around another corner he almost ran into a rather corpulent old man. “Ho, where are you going that fast, youngling?” Tophar didn’t take the time to answer but sidestepped around the man and ran on. “What” was the only thing he heard before the man was too far away to hear. The sounds of the guards had died away as well. This caused him to pause for a moment. If he wasn’t being chased he could take his time, regain some calm.
The shadows in an alley ahead of him seemed to coil and dance, shifting in ways they should not have. His curiosity overcame his need for sanctuary. He moved closer on silent feet. The alley turned out to be mostly empty, with a few crates stacked on one side, the dancing shadows having moved deeper into it. As an assassin in training, he had been taught the basics of shadow magic but this was far out of his league. He moved faster now.
The shadows kept on dancing, always just ahead of him. He was running now, as fast as he could. Still the shadows outpaced him. He came to a corner and grabbed a piece of random masonary to turn at full speed. The next corner after that led him right into the full sunlight of the main street. It also led him right into the path of a small group of four people.