Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Gift from Dead Gods, 1

It was a quiet morning in the city of Rasnach. Dawn had come, and gone. Just the way he liked it. No one around yet, lots of light, and none of the heat of the midday sun. His client had asked for a sword. Enchanted, cursed, and more of those things. Not that he really cared about any of this, as long as he got paid. What made this item special, was that it had to vanish. There had to be no trace.
But how to do this with a weapon known and revered throughout the lands? The fabled sword of the Hero of the shining bridge? There were ways, of course. So they had come to him, given him what he wanted, and told him to bring the sword to the village of Rorr in 2 weeks. 10 days had past. He had waited for most of the night, perched in a dark corner of the museum roof.
He chuckled as he shook his head. This was crazy, even for him. Destroying the entire museum just to do a job? If he messed this up.. Left any clues.. Ah, at least they’d execute him on the spot. No trial, no paperwork. He checked the front door of the museum, and noted that the night guard was leaving. The morning guard would check the lower floors, and the museum kitchen first. That free breakfast would be expensive today.
Cupping his hands, he whispered a few words into them. A blueish flame appeared, and he directed it towards the roof, burning a hole for him to squeeze through. The fire would negate the concealing spells of his clothing, but it didn’t matter now. He was inside, and his target within his reach. Dropping to the floor, he looked around. Three halls to the left was the sword.
On the way to the sword, he grabbed as many magical artifacts as he could. This would have to be a large explosion. Then he saw it. The sword. As he threw all the items he’d picked up on a large pile now building in the middle of the room, he glanced around. Grinning, he grabbed several precious stones, and a useful looking dagger.
He slung the bag he was carrying off his shoulder, and pulled out a large metal orb, putting it on the ground next to the pile. The gems, the dagger and the sword went into the bag. Removing his clothing and adding it to the pile, it revealed the clothes underneath. No one would look twice at a beggar, when obviously a mage had destroyed the museum.. It was a trick he had used many times.
Standing up, he slung the bag over his shoulder. He’d have to replace all his gear, but that was easily done. He grabbed the orb in both hands, and focused his energy into it. Reminding himself to save a bit for the journey, he left the charged orb sitting on top of the pile. As he turned around, he found himself facing the guard. “What are you- Why- Who are you?” He grinned. “I am but a beggar. And you, my friend..” Whispering a few words, his next move slammed the guard into the far wall.
Pain wracked his body. He had spent too much of his energy. He shook his head. He had to get out of here, fast. Making his way along the halls, he counted in his head. 10 – 9 – 8 He smashed a window near the back of the museum with his bag. 7 – 6 – 5 He jumped out, landing in a half-roll, not absorbing the impact as much as he had wanted. 4 – 3 – 2 He got up, heading into a side alley. 1 – Click. The orb released all of its pent up energies, creating a chain reaction amongst the artifacts, destroying the museum in a blast of arcing energy.
In the chaos of the early morning, with chucks of masonary crashing as far as the temple grounds, and static energy shocking everyone near the ruins of the museum, only one person noticed a beggar limping across town. That mans name was Luno, and he gave the beggar a few coins and wished him safe travels.


Oh my, a name. Luno is the man who had a dream, in the intro.
The thief/sorceror will be back, I guess.

And yes, inspiration struck at 3 in the night. Let me know if this is any good, or not. Comments are really, really appreciated.